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About Me

I am a 27 year old white male living in the American Midwest. I am a lifelong learner, current university student, and work part-time in customer service. I am interested in the conscious pursuit of happiness as a way of life. This blog is a way for me to catalog my thoughts, share my interests and hopefully communicate something to other people similarly interested.
Recent posts

Reading List: Authentic Happiness

I'm currently reading Authentic Happiness by Martin E.P. Seligman. There's a lot to take in, but one of the things I find the most interesting (and fun!) so far is the inclusion of questionnaires about happiness in the text and on the companion website Authentic Happiness , hosted by University of Pennsylvania. I'm a huge fan of most psychometrics tests and quizzes (more on that later) and even if you aren't, the questionnaires about happiness are short and sweet. Definitely a useful tool for living the Good Life.

Whole 30, Week 1

My significant other and I are embarking on a Whole30 this January. It is our second Whole30 journey, and we learned from some of our mistakes last time. I will probably explain more in an upcoming blog post. Our Meal Plan for this week is as follows (today is our meal prep day, so we are doing some bulk and storage items) Day 1 Breakfast - N/A* Lunch - Burgers with Avocado and Prosciutto* Dinner - Ribeye Steak and Roasted Leeks Meal Prep Items -Bake sweet potatoes -Hard boil eggs -Chop bell peppers -Mix and cook pork sausage (We are using this recipe for this batch, but intend on mixing it up week to week) -Bake egg 'muffins' Day 2 Breakfast - Hard-boiled eggs and crudites Lunch - Burgers with Avocado and Prosciutto Dinner- Salmon Cakes and Salad Day 3 Breakfast - Chicken apple sausages with tomatoes and peppers Lunch - Salmon Cakes Dinner - Roasted chicken with beet, orange and avocado salad Day 4 Breakfast - Hard-boiled eg

Hello World

Hello World. Waiting In Line Meditation is a blog about my own personal journey pursuing the goals of fitness, mindfulness and happiness. It is not my first venture into the world of blogging, but it is my first venture in to the world of lifestyle blogging. I will discuss diet, exercise, meditation, reading and whatever else strikes my fancy. I will try and update this daily- if for no other reason than to try and keep it as a sort of journal.